Council of Light Channeling, September 11, 2001

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Council of Light

Channeled through Diana Henderson
September 11, 2001

The Council of Nine, the Council of the Light, is with you. And our vessel asks, "But which of you is it who comes to speak?" And the answer is that all are needed and that all speak. And that I, Metatron, sit at its center, but that also the energies of Jeshua and the energies of Michael and the energies of Quan Yin and Mary and the energies of Melchizedek and of all others who abide with us. Know that the Council tonight comes through together, full, as one, indistinguishable from one and another, for the energies of all are needed here, the feminine and the masculine in harmony and presence. And the energies may feel somewhat overwhelming and very large, but we can all be channeled fully and in harmony....

Find a place of stillness within you, a place untouched by anger, a place untouched by fear and by grief. Find a place of calm and quiet, and let that place grow. And it may grow very slowly, subtlely, gently. Let that place of calm begin to expand gradually throughout your psyche, your body, your energetic self. For it is quiet that you seek. Solace is found in the calm, in the quiet places. And into that calm, quiet place, accept now the Light and the Love and the Oneness that is your birthright as beings of Light walking in the physical world.

From this place of quietude, this place of strength, this place of peace, you may look at those events that have transpired on this day and in the recent past from a different, calmer perspective. Allow yourself to begin to see them as God sees them, to experience them with a sense of Love that is a peaceful, abiding, unconditional—a kind of Love that knows not anger, a kind of Love that is beyond judgment.

From this place, this still and peaceful part of your being, it is time to come to certain understandings. The first of these is that all must be loved. All that exists, you are connected to. Every soul is your kindred, every object, every stone, every grain of sand, every plant, every drop of water, every atom, every particle. All that is, is your kindred, and when you lash out at anyone or anything, you hereby damage yourself. There can be no sorrow in one without there being sorrow in all. And by the same token, understand also that while everything has an effect on everything else, it goes both ways. And that every moment of joy, every ounce of love you can feel within your being also affects every other particle, every other being, everything in existence. All are parts of the same whole. And if you choose to love the ones who are lashing out, then you affect them. Just as the acts of anger and terror have effects upon the world as a whole, so each act of kindness, gratitude, joy, love has an effect upon the world.

But understand also that the power of the Light is the greatest power within existence, and so your strength of the Light, your oneness with the Light, your ability to accept, to love all that is, expands in a way that is exponential in nature. That is why in the time of violence, in the time of grief, it is most necessary to achieve the place of Pure Love, for that Love shall touch all that exists, shall spread out from you, and you shall watch its effects just as you can behold the effects of the opposite within the world. It is easy to see the effects of anger, of violence, of fear, of intolerance, and perhaps less obvious, more subtle the effects of love, for they go unnoticed and are taken for granted. But take them not for granted; see them; allow them to encompass you, enfold you and expand from you into the world to greater and greater degrees.

And from this place of peace within you, we shall say something which we wish you to understand without fear. That which you have seen today, that which has been manifested so openly, that shadow, has existed for some time. It is simply more obvious now as the world opens its eyes to that which cannot be left unseen. But the progression of fear and discord began quite some time ago. These are the precursors; these the times of chaos before the great Light, before the Great Shift is completed. These are the times when you are called upon to stand with the light.

Look to yourselves now, those of you who seek the Light, who know the Light, who are a part of the Light. Look to yourselves every day, in every moment, to find that which you can do to spread the Light within the world, which will diminish the discordant leaving it weakened, making it smaller, bringing an end to the reign of terror. You must seek within yourselves, within your hearts and your minds—if you will—to find a balance, to display the Light, to channel the Light, to open to the Light, to serve the Light in every avenue of your lives. Relinquish small-mindedness; forgive and release intolerance; let go of hatred and anger even in the times when it seems the easiest road to take. And decide not give in to your fears.

How do you do this? You come to the place of quiet, to the place of peace. You invite the Love and the Light of the Divine to reign within you. You offer yourself as a servant to the Light, and you listen and then act according to the voice and the Spirit of the Divine within you. Do not think you haven't the power to hear or to see or to sense or to know that which the Light guides you to do, for you have the power. Each of you who is of the Light has this gift. Simply open to it now within the place of quiet, of peace. Invite the Love that is pure and unconditional to pour over you, to pour through you, to guide you, to show you that which is Truth and assist you in following that guidance.

We understand that we ask a great deal; we ask you to release anger in the face of great sorrow. We ask you to let go of fear. We ask you even to love that which is the grief, to love all your feelings and to heal them. You were given feelings so that you might learn the highest vibration of what it is to feel, so that you might learn the lessons that each of these emotions has for you, and so that in time, when you are ready, you may move to a higher level of feeling—one in which all is embraced within the pure and loving light that comes through the divinity within you. The highest expression of yourselves, we invite you to become.

And so in this place of grief, anger, sadness and fear; we come to you to remind you of your essence, to remind you of the love of the Spirit of the Divine, which, if you are willing, moves through you, changes you and enables you to love all that is—without judgment, without attachment, with Pure Grace. This is your opportunity to stand with the Light, to spread the Light, to learn to love as it was taught unto you and as we love you. And we ask you now to feel that love, to feel it coming from us into and through each of you who hears or reads these words. Feel that love. It is a powerful love. It is the Love, the Grace, the Light of the Divine. Take a few moments now to allow yourself to be enfolded by it and to be filled with it and to be healed.   ~ Metatron, Michael and the Council of Light

The energy of the Council poured through me in silence for some time and then departed.



Every day I experience the profound privilege and joy of living my purpose, but it wasn't always so. The Universe had to give me a serious reminder! My journey as a healer began in 1996 born out of my own need for healing and relief from chronic pain after a debilitating car accident. Little did I know what an amazing path was in store from that moment forward! After Reiki training in 1997, I embraced my true calling and began a practice. I became a Reiki Master in 1998 and quickly found that teaching Reiki classes along with working with clients brought me "home" to the path of my soul!

I continued to learn new holistic tools and was certified in DNA Activation, a process for self-healing and self-mastery, in 1999. Certification in Therapeutic Breathwork, a breathing technique that allows clients in session to "re-take" their first breath to release the painful impressions imprinted at birth (as well as trauma energies during life), followed in 2000. During many years of study and practice, I've also taken courses in Esoteric Healing, Advanced Energy, Quantum Touch, Tibetan Chakra Toning, Muscle Testing, Parapsychology, Spirituality, Dreams, Tarot, Medicine Wheel and Astrology among many others on this path of remembering what my spirit always knew.

Most recently I was guided to "birth" a wonderful new healing modality called Sacred Heart Soul Healing (SHSH). After using the techniques on clients over the course of two years (2012-2014), I began teaching the first level class. Through sessions as well as training others, I continue to learn more and the process grows and shifts with the unfolding blessings of Spirit. I am ever grateful to Beloved Jeshua and the Ascended Masters, Archangels of Light 
and my own I Am Presence for giving me the guidance and understanding of how to do and present this modality.

Much of my work as a healer/teacher/messenger focuses on assisting others in opening to their gifts, embracing wholeness and enhancing their spiritual connection. In addition to practicing alternative healing modalities, I teach classes in all levels of Reiki, Angels and Archangels, Energetic Cleansing, Intuition, Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Meditation, DNA Activation and more.

Through the years, I've come to realize that nothing on my path was wasted time. My work as a former graphic designer, writer and high school English teacher contributes to the path I walk now as teacher, ascension artist, writer, speaker and healing facilitator.

I am so grateful to have aligned with my soul purpose and found the work that brings me bliss! I welcome the opportunity to assist you on your journey to wholeness and self-realization as others helped me on mine.

Licensed by the State of North Carolina in the Art of Healing
Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals

Aura Photo of Diana, June 2000

Before taking this photo, I invited the Light Beings
who work with me, particularly Metatron, to reveal
themselves in some way. Thus, the photo shows the
appearance of white "wings" to either side of me.

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